Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I leave Medellin (for good, as in relocating, not coming back for a while) on Monday. I still can't believe it, it hasn't really hit me. Oh yeah, except when I started packing this evening because I was getting anxious that it all wasn't going to fit in 2 suitcases. So far so good, somewhat. It doesn't look like much (or well, it looks like I've still got a lot left to pack) but I somehow feel better. I'll have to check 3 pieces of luggage (damn my big desktop iMac) and bring on two substancial size carry-ons, which is going to make for a fun time going through customs. Oh and to top it all off I still haven't figured out where I'm staying where I get there yet, oy.

My bare bookshelves

Why does my closet still look pretty full?

One suitcase packed to the brim

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