Saturday, January 7, 2012

Family time

As our time here is coming to an end, Giovanni's family is realizing that we really have spent very little together. So this past week they've been trying to pack lots of activities in, renting a finca (country house) and making reservations for paintball. I was able to take Thursday afternoon off work and Gio and I joined them that day until Friday morning. Besides the typical freak show role that I play at family gatherings ("What languages do you speak?!"; "Where are you from, you're not from here right?!"), I also had the joy of being the victim of a practical joke and had water thrown at me, along with being sprayed with foam later in the evening (ok well everyone was a victim of that joke). Usually I'm a good sport, but this time I was cold from a 5-hour long downpour and lack of warm clothing - I did not sign on to play the role of wet dog at this family reunion!

I enjoyed myself nonetheless, and am glad that Giovanni got to spend time with his family, something he rarely did before he was with me, so at least I'm somewhat of a good influence on him! Then, two days later we met up with Giovanni's sister, 2 children, and boyfriend for a round of paintball - a first for everyone! There were bruises, paint in ears, mouths, and noses, but we all loved it! We made plans to all buy the gear for next time, so we wouldn't have to rent smelly masks!

Pool time!

Even Giovanni's mom got in on the action, albeit with all her clothes on

Playing cards with the nephew, sister and brother-in-law
Giovanni's sister and her boyfriend

Giovanni's sister and her daughter

Mom and nephew

Giovanni's sister with her 2 kids and mother


Gio and his two chicas!

This is when it got ugly, yet these moms, aunts, and grandmas had fun with it and started dancing!


Badass face

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a lot of family time. ur a trooper.

i also like ur badass face.

Good luck with the move!! xo E