Sunday, December 18, 2011


In July I made the effort to go back to the US for the bi-annual Locke family reunion. Since I missed the last one in San Francisco, I had to make the effort this time, seeing as I hadn't seen a lot of these family members for over 5 years. Luckily I was able to spend more time with my cousin Tina while traveling to the US for work previously in the year; before my first trip I hadn't seen Tina since we were kids. Also, I was fortunate enough to see my Aunt Shelli and Uncle Rob in Austin Texas in 2010 for work, where they took me out to a great Texan BBQ dinner (unfortunately I have no linkage back to this documentation since these things happened in 2010 when I was lazy and lapsed in my blog writing, sorry!).

Anyways, this year, the family reunion was fun and...enlightening! We went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where we rented a house one block from the beach. It was the first time all of the cousins (except for 1 we were all there!) were adults so that was fun/interesting! We all got to meet the first great-grandchild (though neither of my maternal grandparents are alive, but I still consider my generation the "grandkids"). And although the youngest of us grandkids is 21 and the great-grandkid is 6 months old, we went to the usual family reunion-type attractions including Medieval Times, Hard Rock Cafe, and the Ripley Aquarium. Being able to relive those chilhood moments was pretty fun (with cheering on our knight and horse at Medieval being the most-fun obviously, especially after Jagermeister shots), but I must say I really enjoyed reminiscing about old times and viewing slides my mom put together from pictures my grandma took on their many family vacations. It's so cool to see sites the Grand Canyon back in the 60's and 70's!

Cousins Megan, James and their adorable 6 month old baby

The Sellers - Aunt Shelli, Uncle Rob, Meredith, Logan (missing cousin Curtis)

Cousin Tina and her mom

Everyone at the family reunion traditional restaurant - Hard Rock Cafe

From old slides - my mom, her brother, and my Aunt Linda, so cute!

Such cool looking jellyfish at the aquarium (NOT beach)

Mumsy and me, love her!

Aunt Shelli and my mom doing what they gotta do at these family reuniones after not having seen each other for 2 years!

Tina's closet. Let me remind you we were there for 1 week - less than 7 days!

If this is not the cutest baby in the world than I don't know what is. Mine will look just like her, just caramel-flavored.

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