Monday, December 19, 2011

Ashley's visit

Ok, yes I do realize it has taken me a while to post these pics but I have been busy preparing everything for my move to Miami - finding a place to live in Miami, figuring out relocation expenses with work, hassling the National Visa Center people to get Gio's visa appointment - just to name a few, and with a business trip to Brazil and a girlfriend going into labor thrown into the mix, it has been a hectic few months to say the least! But now with the dust having somewhat settled, I am surprisingly calm before the holidays (I got all my [American friends and family] Christmas shopping done in one weekend thank you!)

So let me share pics from when Ashley, my college roommate and best friend, came to visit in October. It had been a while since I had had visitors (over a year since my parents and my friend Kieran). So I was a little rusty when it came to tourism-mode, but Ashley as usual was laid back and let me take her on a fun 6-day ride through Medellin and some of its surrounding towns.

Guatapé/el peñol rock, outside of Medellin. My 4th climb, Ashley's 1st.

The "barrios" (neighborhoods) are built into the mountains, it's a steep climb!

Ashley was a good tourist and took lots of good food pics. This is a pan de queso I think...

Metro ticket

The oldest church in Medellin (a fact I'm pretty sure I found out during Ashley's visit..)

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