Friday, June 15, 2012

Thermostat Wars

Is this something that you normally fight over with your roommate/partner? When I was living in Medellin there wasn't any temperature control device to fight over, so no problems there. When I lived in a house in DC with 5 roommates we were all college students and so everyone understood the need to freeze their fingers while they typed away into 4 in the morning on their laptops in a 60 degree house in the middle of February.

Nowadays though, it's the opposite. Living in Miami without air conditioning is impossible, but having it set at 68 degrees all day is not necessary, nor something we can afford. We have the same down comforter I used during those chilly nights in DC on our bed here in Miami, something I keep urging us to throw into the closet. "Why do you think we're getting so hot in the middle of the night?" I ask Gio. "It doesn't mean we have to make the apartment even colder!"

Last night I had had enough. For the past week I would wake up in the middle of the night freezing and go to the thermostat to turn it up. I told him our number was 72, 72 was reasonable! So last night I said ok that's enough, I'm tired of having this thermostat war, can we just agree that it makes sense to put it on 72? 4 degrees less = $25 a month more in our electric bill (I even showed him the math!). He agreed, he looked me in the eye and said seventy-two, yes, you're right. So I went to bed earlier than him as I usually do, and as I'm laying there listening to my audiobook and he's asleep, as usually happens, I felt it getting way too cold. So I crept out of bed and went to the thermostat to find it at 70. Seventy!! Just an hour earlier he had looked me in the EYE and told me he agreed with my perfect number of 72. Oh, my blood boiled. I got into bed and immediately pulled my pillow to the edge of the bed and turned my back to him, thinking how I was going to handle this. From now on, I decided, I just can't go to bed earlier than him. I will have to be an A/C nazi, not a role I wanted to take on, but my logic is correct, my number is perfect, and the numbers don't lie. I'll go to bed after him, wake up before him. I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this, but as his favorite dumb TV show Storage Wars shows us, if someone really cares about something you can't let them have it.

And yes, this is how exciting my life is right now that I am prone to scheming to beat my boyfriend over $25. I need a cat.

1 comment:

Elyssa Pachico said...


Too funny.

Me and Ed fight about blankets, and the fact that I supposedly take up more room because I always end up sleeping diagonally, pushing him against the wall.