Sunday, August 19, 2012

Europe 2012 Part Dos

I know I never got around to doing a second blog post about Europe, so I've do something I should do more of - shut up and tell my story through photos. But first, a little background - for those of you who don't remember, my Europe vacation came about due to this wedding of two British friends. Well, after Switzerland, Germany, and the Czech Reupblic, the whole purpose of my journey finally came to a culmination. Not only was I going to travel to the English countryside for the first time, but I was going to be reunited with the 12 amazing people I met five years ago during my study abroad in Mexico! I was super psyched. Alas, with all of the excitement and catching up on everyone's lives, plus having a very good photographer in the bunch, I didn't take that many photos. But I believe you can still piece together the story. 

 The wedding wasn't taking place just a bit outside London as I had falsely presumed, it was 4 hours away. Lucky for Australian Emma and I we had our very own chauffer, Kieran, who rented a car to bring in the strays (besides some of the bride's family, we were the only ones who flew in internationally!). Only problem was that he hadn't driven in 6 years! I cringed everytime he ground the clutch, though I must say he did do well with the whole drving-on-the-other-side-of-the-road thing.

 Getting ready for the wedding, the groom!

 Part of the group, Charlie and Joe-boy (photoboy), looking snazzy.

 More of the group: Alicia, Cherry, Charlie again and Rachel in the corner.

 At the ceremony, praying that the rain will hold off.

Luckily we all knew had to enjoy ourselves, even in the 50 degree weather and mist.

 Anddd, the day after. I know, horrible! I didn't take any photos of the bride, nor the reception. Boo. But if you want to see one gorgeous event, you can see the photos I would have taken here.

So here is one of the cottages on the estate where we had a bbq the next day. It was fully decked out as a hunting lodge with furs, saws, rifles, and a fireplace. Since it was still pretty cold outside, we all cozied up around the dining table and fireplace.

There was still plenty of booze leftover from the evening before, though many of us were not quite ready to begin that again.

 Here we have Kieran, Steph (bridesmaid), Julia (the bride!!), Jo-girl, and Emma.

 We really didn't move from that table for the next 6 hours.

The lovely invitation that Julia drew/designed herself!

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