Wednesday, May 20, 2009

English Class Crushes

Last week I got a new student in my Tuesday/Thursday English class. Yesterday I asked Byron if he goes to college, and he said no. I asked him if he already went, he said no. So then I asked him what he did (he looked university-age) and he said he plays professional soccer. Ah cool who doesn't here in Latin America right? So I asked him which team, not that I really know any of the teams because the team spirit and football/soccer fanaticism in my immediate circle of friends is not strong and Colombia isn't really know in Latin America as having the best teams like Argentina was. He told me he plays for Medellin, and that actually rang a bell. It's one of the biggest teams here in Colombia's second largest city and my Dutch roommate is a big fan. Well the girls in the class had definitely heard of the team and became well interested and started shooting him all of these questions in a flurry of confusing Spanish: if he had ever been recognized on the street, if he lived with other players, when their next game was, etc. He's a sweet guy and I could see he felt a bit uncomfortable so I tried to draw the attention back to the exciting topic of possessive pronouns woo!

While I was leaving the institute that day, the director stopped me and told me about my class on Saturday (Emi was here last weekend and I wanted to spend time with her and I honestly had no energy to get up at 8:30 and go teach English to restless 10-12 year olds for 3 hours on a Saturday morning). Rodolfo took care of my students when I wasn't there. He told me that about 30 minutes into the class, when one of my students, 10 year old Santiago, found out that I wasn't coming in for sure, refused to continue to work and would only do the classwork for me. Rodolfo thinks he has a bit of a crush on me. Lorddddd. He's a sweet kid, but I always thought he was a bit slow and just didn't have it in him to learn English. Some people just have a knack for languages but he's one of my lowest students. Maybe it's like the Friends episode where a student of Ross's tells him he's in love with him and that's why he can't concentrate and does badly on tests. Ross ends up giving the kid an A cause he feels bad. Luckily we don't do grades in my class!

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