Monday, April 16, 2012

Just cruising...

You know, I really didn't want to get a car. I was dreading it. For the last 7 years I took public transportation or walked. Getting into a car, even as a passenger, was novel. And I'm from a small town (just 2 stoplights in the whole place!), but I would have to drive 10 minutes just to get to my friend's house on the other side of the town. It's not cornfields or desert, the houses just have a lot of land, and there are trees and woods. But I came to dislike driving. As much as I grew tired of standing up everyday during my 20-minute bus ride to work in Medellin and having to push my way to get out, the bus was pretty convenient. There weren't many places it didn't go. So here in Miami, where people get in the car to go to their neighbor's (which is an entirely different story, and one that is finally coming to America's attention), I was not pleased with having to buy a car. Of course I bought a car (because I'm not that crazy to enjoy walking around in 100-degree heat and 105% humidity is a good idea), and I do really like the car I bought: a salsa-red Jetta. But besides the cost of the car, insurance, and registration, I do not like that I have already paid the city of Miami $421 in parking and driving fines. That's right, I've had my car for 2 months and I've already gotten towed once, received 2 parking tickets, and a stoplight camera violation (ok, that one was Giovanni). What really bothers me is that I barely use my car except on the weekends, which seem to be when all of the meter-maids are patrolling. What bothers me even more is that I was towed by a company that has a horrible reality show on TruTV that I can't peel my eyes away from! HELP!

Ah, but isn't she so cute?

If a tree falls in the forest...

What happens when you cut 6 inches of hair off and get highlights for the first time but have no geographically close friends to say anything? Did it still happen?

Monday, April 9, 2012


It's been busy! Between Gio almost not coming to the US, getting settled into the apartment, and figuring out all of the highways and malls here in Miami, we've come to know Miami just enough to be able to welcome out first visitors here in April. Two weekends ago one of my best friends from Smalltown, Connecticut came to visit. After I picked her up from the airport we proceeded to talk for the entire night non-stop (we hadn't seen in each other for more than 12 hours at a time for at least 3 years!), gossiping about family, friends, and the latest "oh-my-god-no-she-didn't!'s" (though we have talked online everyday for almost all of those 3 years). Among other things we saw the Hunger Games movie (book club!), lounged by the pool, went shopping in Miami Beach, gorged on Easter candy, and had our fair share of wine.
Then the next weekend my mom and stepdad came for 4 days! Excursions with them included Easter brunch (Gio tried french toast for the first time and I revisited my Mexican fondness for huevos rancheros), an Everglades hike, Argentinian and Colombian food, Cuban coffee, Miami beach seafood, and pedicures (just my mom and I!). They got to spend more time with Gio (only their 2nd time meeting him!) and he got to learn more what went into raising this kooky girl.

(ok so we were bad about taking photos!)

Next up we have a traveling-buddy who I met in Costa Rica and now lives in Chicago, then in May my other family - dad, stepmom, and sister! On the list of to-do's with them is more shopping and eating, visiting some Jewish neighborhoods (with my friend), and going to the beach.